first names | last name | born | died
Alexander Graham | Bell | ... | ...
| |
inventor | invention | date | place | use
Bell | telephone | 1876 | ... | ...
| |
Country | Capital
Spain | Madrid
| UK | London
| |
TREC vs. QA on the World Wide Web
# docs | < 1,000,000 | 1,600,000,000
| types of docs | newspaper, mostly 1990's | all kinds
| processing | offline | online
| answer format | 50 or 250 bytes | easily readable
| wrong information in docs | system gets credit | very bad
| multiple correct answers | system gets no extra credit | better than single
| |
Bell | invented | the telephone | in 1874 | but | it | was patented | in 1876.
CT | NP | | NP | TMP | | NP | | TMP
| GR | SBJ-1 | 1 | OBJ-1 | TMP-1 | | SBJ-2 | 2 | TMP-2
| |
Sample sentence with treebank annotation:
( (S (NP-SBJ (DT The) (NN telephone) ) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN invented) (PP (IN by) (NP-LGS (NNP Alexander) (NNP Graham) (NNP Bell) ) ) (PP-TMP (IN in) (NP (CD 1876) ) ) ) ) (. .) ))Sentences that did not pass a test:
Shapaqa GR | Shapaqa CT | SENT | Combination
MRR | .28 | .34 | .32 | .30 | .45
| attempted answers | 72 | 101 | 114 | 198 |
| points received | 55.0 | 68.4 | 63.7 | 60.8 |
| "precision" | .76 | .68 | .56 | .31 |
| |