San Jose Mercury, December 12, 1994 BADGER News & Highlights San Jose Mercury News , December 12 , 1994 Copyright 1994 The San Jose Mercury News . All rights reserved . Get the Mercury News electronically everyday from Mercury Center . Call 1 - 800 - 818 - NEWS or email SJMercury @ aol . com for more information . Think the info highway is great ? Baby , you ain ' t seen nothing yet The San Jose Mercury , December 12 , 1994 By Harry J . Saal In 1876 , Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone . In 1879 , Thomas Edison invented the light bulb . Just as these milestones changed America and the world , 1994 may well be remembered as the year America went on - line , or the Year of the Internet . In 1994 , the on - line world directly changed the way millions of people live , work and play . 1994 saw an incredible amount of growth in on - line activity and excitement surrounding the concept of the Information Superhighway . A flurry of telephone and cable company mergers came and went . America ica ~ go ~ raw
Lesson Plan :In the eyes of the beholder can seldom flourish long in any situation which does not allow for a regular system of justice . . . . . . the people must feel secure in the possession of themselves , their property , the faith of contracts and have a certain degree of faith in the government to be fair and just when conflicts arise . . . . . . . . " ( p . 862 ) R - 2 " MA BELL IS BROKEN UP " American Telephone & Telegraph ( AT & T ) traces its origin back to 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell received a patent from the United States government for the telephone he invented . The business , incorporated in 1885 , grew to become one of America ' s largest , most prosperous and influential companies . It became affectionately known as " Ma Bell " . Under the Communications Act of 1934 , AT & T became a legalized monopoly and as such was guaranteed a fair profit on its investment . In return , AT & T had to provide telephone service to anyone who wanted it . During the next decades , this monopoly position was challenged by several groups , including the United States Department , including the United States Department ~ go ~ raw
Publicaciones good idea to sketch in briefly the great milestones in the history of communications . At the beginning of our history we human beings communicated using signals and gestures accompanied by sounds . Later we communicated through spoken language . Then we needed to communicate across distances beyond the reach of voice . Thus emerged smoke signals , flashing mirrors , flags , drums , etc . By 1830 we had began to communicate at a distance by telegraph and Morse code ( 1820 ) . In 1876 the Scot , A . Graham Bell , invented the telephone , which enabled us to communicate verbally at a distance . In 1894 the young Italian G . Marconi invented the radio and 1901 saw the first trans - Atlantic communication by radio , although the first radio station in America did not start broadcasting until 1920 . Teletype ( 1910 ) enabled written messages to be sent over distance using certain codes and 1923 ( Vladimir Zworykin ) saw the arrival of television which began its first regular broadcasts in 1935 . The analogue computer dates from 1930 ~ go ~ raw
Edison; the Wizard of Menlo Park the building had 7 windows on each side , and on the front had 3 windows on the second floor while on the first there were 2 windows and a door in the center . The rear of the building was the same basically , but without a porch . Edison moved into the lab in the spring of 1876 , and commenced to work with his team of about 25 men on projects and inventions that would forever change the world . It was in Menlo Park that Edison and his staff did the following . Perfected the telephone . Developed methods of vacuum packing foods . Invented the phonograph and recording . Perfected the incandescent light bulb . Redesigned and improved the electrical distribution system . Developed the 3 - wire system . Worked on a flying machine ( helicopter ) . Invented a method of sending wireless tones , this was the first system to send tones through the air . This was done nearly 20 years before Marconi , who had to purchase 2 patents from Edison to make his radio ! Perfected the electric train . Invented the Edison Effect ~ go ~ raw
Thomas Alva Edison's Life and food on the Grand Trunk Railway between Port Huron and Detroit . 1863 Employed as a telegraph operator traveling through the South and Midwest . 1867 Returned to Port Huron . 1869 Patented his first invention - - the Electrical Vote Recorder . Moved to New York City . Started a business manufacturing telegraph equipment . Invented the Universal Stock Ticker . Opens first factory and lab in Newark , NJ . Married Mary Stilwell . Received a patent for paper ticker tape . 1874 Developed a quadruplex system which changed the telegraph industry . 1876 Established a laboratory at Menlo Park , New Jersey . Received patents for the mimeograph machine and electric pen . 1877 Invented a carbon button transmitter , for use in the telephone . Invented the phonograph , which he believed to be his most original invention . 1878 Founded the Edison Electric Light Company . 1879 Invented the first practical incandescent electric light bulb . Demonstrated it to the public by lighting Christie Street on ~ go ~ raw