Towards more variation in text generation:
Developing and evaluating variation models for choice of referential form
Thiago Castro Ferreira
Emiel Krahmer
Sander Wubben
Systems-generated texts are more...
...descriptive, informative, trustworthy, objective...
...boring and unpleasant to read!
Always the same output for the same input
Lack of variation
Same style and kind of text
First decision of REG models
(Reiter and Dale, 2000; Henschel et al., 2000; Callaway and Lester, 2002; Gupta and Bandopadhyay, 2009; Greenbacker and McCoy, 2009)
All are deterministic
Models are evaluated against corpus with only one gold standard
The use of a proper name does not necessarily mean that the use of a description is wrong.
... humans (presumably) are not deterministic
VaREG corpus
(Ferreira et al., 2016)
More than one referring expression per situation
36 texts
12 news texts, 12 product reviews and 12 encyclopedic texts
78 participants
~ 20 per text
9588 referring expressions in 563 referential gaps
Annotated according to 5 referential forms
Reference $\Rightarrow (X, y)$
$X \Rightarrow$ set of discourse features
$y \Rightarrow$ referential form distribution among referential forms
Syntactic position
Subject, object or a genitive noun phrase in the sentence.
Referential Status
First mention to the referent (new) or not (old) at the level of text, paragraph and sentence.
Recency Distance between a given reference and the last, previous reference to the same referent.
Proper names ($PN$), pronouns ($P$), descriptions ($D$), demontratives ($Dem$) and empty references ($E$)
$P(f \mid X) \propto \frac{P(f) \prod\limits_{x \in X} P(x \mid f)}{\sum\limits_{f' \in F} P(f') \prod\limits_{x \in X} P(x \mid f')}$
additive smoothing with $\alpha = 2e^{-308}$
$\hat{y} = \begin{bmatrix} P(PN \mid X) \\ P(P \mid X) \\ P(D \mid X) \\ P(Dem \mid X) \\ P(E \mid X) \end{bmatrix}$
A referential form is chosen based on previous choices to the same referent (Chafe, 1994; Arnold, 2008).
$P(y_{t} \mid X_{1}, ..., X_{t}, y_{1}, ..., y_{t-1})$
Given a reference $X_{t}$ and a context window size $win$...
$e_{t} = (X_{t-win/2}^{t-1}; X_{t}; X_{t+1}^{t+win/2})$
$h_{t} = sigmoid(W^{he} e_{t} + W^{hh} h_{t-1})$
$\hat{y_{t}} = softmax(W^{yh} h_{t})$
Training Method | BPTT |
Cost Function | Cross entropy |
Batch Size | 10 |
Context Window Size | 3 |
Epochs | 15 |
Embedding Dimension | 50 |
Hidden Layer Size | 50 |
Learning Rate | 0.1 |
Training and testing on VaREG corpus
$JSD(y || \hat{y})$: Jensen-Shannon divergence
Ranges from 0 (full convergence) to 1 (full divergence).
$\rho_{y, \hat{y}}$: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
Ranges from -1 (opposite direction) to 1 (similar direction), with 0 indicating a non-correlation.
$\hat{y}$ as a random distribution over the forms
\hat{y} = \begin{cases}
\begin{bmatrix} PN = 1 & P = 0 & D = 0 & Dem = 0 & E = 0 \end{bmatrix}, & \text{if new topic} \\
\begin{bmatrix} PN = 0 & P = 1 & D = 0 & Dem = 0 & E = 0 \end{bmatrix}, & \text{otherwise}
To model individual variation...
Referential status features were the most helpul
Syntactic position helps
Recency did not help!
Better to measure recency by number of competitors between two references to the same referent.
Naive Bayes outperforms RNNs in this particular task
VaREG is a small dataset.
Although the complexity of our problem is also small.
Referential status features are enough to model the relation among a reference and its antecedents.
Are the texts generated by our method coherent and comprehensible?
Trained on VaREG corpus
Best model in previous experiments
9 texts
Randomly extracted from GREC-2.0
Original references to the topic
Random references to the topic
References to the topic regenerated by our model
Given a text...
Group all references by $X$
#Features: Syntactic position and Referential status
For each group...
Apply $\hat{y}$
#Model: NB+Syntax+Status-Recency trained on VaREG corpus
3 lists of texts
9 texts per list
3 Original, 3 Generated and 3 Random
30 participants
10 per list
Goal: Evaluate coherence and comprehensibility
In a scale from 1 (very bad) to 5 (very good)
Original are more coherent and comprehensible than Random.
Generated are more coherent than Random.
No difference among Original and Generated.
Individual variation modeling
Without negatively affecting the quality of the texts
A step towards less boring generated texts