MULTI-MEDIA MESSAGES -Around 350 fascinating facts and figures about all aspects 24 million bits of memory ( " Being Digital " , Nicholas Negroponte , 1995 ) . In the American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( ASCII ) , the letter A is represented in binary terms as the number 65 which is expressed as 01000001 ( " The Road Ahead " , Bill Gates , 1995 ) . In ASCII , the letters in the name Bill Gates add up to 666 - the Sign of the Beast ( " Observer " , 12 . 1 . 97 ) . Back to Contents MICROELECTRONICS The transistor - the origin of the semi - conductor or microelectronics industry - was invented in 1947 by Bell Laboratory scientists William Shockley , John Bardeen and Walter Brattain ( " Guardian " , 5 . 6 . 00 ) . The silicon integrated circuit which is more commonly known as the chip - a device containing many interconnected transistors - was invented at Fairchild Semiconductor in 1959 by Jack Gilby and Robert Noyce ( " Guardian " , 5 . 6 . 00 ) . Moores Law - first conceived in 1965 by Gordon Moore , later co - founder of Intel - predicts that on average the number of transistors on a microchip will age the number of transistors on a microchip will
http://www.cwu.org/rd96-215.htm ~ go ~ raw
Invention of the Telephone original voice . In 1831 , Englishman Michael Faraday ( 1791 - 1867 ) proved that vibrations of metal could be converted to electrical impulses . This was the technological basis of the telephone , but no one actually used this system to transmit sound until 1861 . In that year , Johann Philip Reis ( 1834 - 1874 ) in Germany is said to have built a simple apparatus that changed sound to electricity and back again to sound . A crude device , it was incapable of transmitting most frequencies , and it was never fully developed . A practical telephone was actually invented independently by two men working in the United States , Elisha Gray ( 1835 - 1910 ) and Scottish - born Alexander Graham Bell ( 1847 - 1922 ) . Incredibly , both men filed for a patent on their designs at the New York patent office on February 14 , 1876 , with Bell beating Gray by only two hours ! Although Gray had built the first steel diaphram / clectromagnet receiver in 1874 , he wasn t able to master the design of a workable transmitter until after Bell had . Bell
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Webschooling Explore your world with us . . . Scientist Alexander Graham Bell The date : 11 th March 1876 . The place : a hotel room in Boston , America . Alexander Graham Bell was busy with an experiment . Just then , his assistant , Watson , who was working in the room next door , heard him call out , " Watson , come here , I need you . " This message , conveyed through the wire , was the first of its kind . This is how the telephone - the greatest boon to modern man - was invented . Alexander Graham Bell was born on 3 March 1847 in Edinburgh in England . His father , Alexander Melville , was a teacher of the deaf and the dumb . He had evolved a technique of communicating through gestures . Graham also adopted the same profession and began teaching the deaf and dumb people . The Bell family moved to Canada in 1870 . There too , he started teaching the deaf and the mute . Graham decided to devise an instrument that would make it easy to teach pupils how upils how
http://www.webschooling.com/scientist3.html ~ go ~ raw
The End of an Era The End of an Era The Telephone Company - - Past , Present and Future Outside Plant Magazine December 1999 As we move into the year 2000 , I think it ' s time to reflect on the telephone business - - where we have been , and where we are going . It ' s been 124 years since the telephone was invented and yet , in some ways , it seems like we are just getting started . That ' s because telephone service continues to re - invent itself . The primary function of the telephone from the start was voice communication . Two people wanted to communicate conveniently . Mr . Bell made this possible with the invention of the telephone . From that time , improvements have been made with the service . Telephones have changed from operator - assisted plug - in circuits to dial pulse service to touch pads
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Legislative Alert cellular or PCS radio - based phone , you could unwittingly be part of the problem ! Your money is being used to finance the industry lobbyists who are paying off these Representatives and inciting them to pass ever more repressive legislation . Perhaps a few responsible mobile phone manufacturers or service providers can be persuaded to withhold funding from CTIA until they change their policies about mobile phone privacy . After all , the ability to encrypt or scramble radio transmissions was available before the cellular radio telephone was even invented ! Try writing to your provider and to the maker of your radio phone about this . Status Update H . R . 2369 passed the House by a vote of 414 to 1 . Obviously , support for these intolerable restrictions on the private hobby activities of law - abiding citizens in favor of wealthy and powerful telecommunications businesses is quite strong in the House of " Representatives " . Now the battle moves to the Senate . Before you panic , though , you should read the Committee Committee
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P U N C H B A B Y .C O truth in all of them . But what truly is sad is that everyone seems to be stuck on generalizations . I am a citizen of the United States of America , a former United States Marine , and just a typical American guy . I have been to Canada numerous times ( British Columbia , Quebec , Ontario , and Victoria ) and have been lucky enough to know several decent Canadians . While the U . S . gets a lot of crap on this page , I ask you the following : What is the literacy rate in Canada ? How much do Canadians REALLY like their Socialized medicine ? ( I ' ve seen the clinics , and have NOT been impressed ) Have you ever thought that maybe we don ' t have social meds because we KNOW that we couldn ' t make it work ? American ideals are chivalrous in nature . . . that doesn ' t mean that we all live up to them . Americans are proud of this country of ours , because we took it ' s resources from the British and made it our own . . . Do you honestly think that the Brits would have let you go your own way in the 70 ' s if you had anywhere near the
http://www.punchbaby.com/americanadian.htm ~ go ~ raw
The Caring Economy: Chapter 9: Why Think Network? are the network . Top The Meaning of Networks The Internet is the single greatest network that humanity has ever invented . It allows millions upon millions of people to communicate with each other and to access and provide information . The network is not about the tool although much of the technology - driven media would make you believe that it is . It is not about the wires . It is not about the computer . When the Internet reaches its maturity , the tools will become invisible . People are the network . Everything you do in a network you should do with people in mind , whether they are your staff , customers , public , media , investors or whoever . It is important to explore the various meanings of the word network , as many of us have come to associate the word in a narrow sense with something technical . Networks are an inherent part of life and have been around long before any computer or telephone wire was invented . The word network is both a noun and a verb ; it is both a thing and an activity . In the
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Alexander Bell and the Telephone Alexander Graham Bell , an educator and inventor , is best known for his invention of the telephone . He was as young as twenty seven , when he discovered how to transmit speech electricaly . Then , two years later he was granted a patent for his telephone . Three days after he recieved the patent , Bell accidentally spilled acid on his clothes and somehow it helped transmit human speech for the first time . Bell called Watson from the other room and somehow Watson heard Bell from the transmitter . The telephone was invented . How the Telephone Works The Telephone Throughout History The Invention of the Telephone Bibliography Return to Kehoe France Home Page
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Where do we go from Hear? 612 ) 827 - 7770 TTY or email : pacer . org Interesting Facts About Deaf . Did you know ? Source : USA - L News Nd The Deaf Coloradan There are approximately 22 million hearing - impaired persons in the U . S . Deaf people have safer driving records than hearing people nationally . The huddle formation used by football teams originated at Gallaudet University , a liberal arts college for deaf people in Washington , D . C . , to prevent other schools from reading their sign language . The man who invented shorthand , John Gregg , was deaf . Carl Anderson , a deaf cartoonist , is the creator of " Henry " . A deaf center - fielder for the Cincinnati Reds , William Hoy , invented the hand signals for strikes and balls in baseball . Phylis Frelich won the Tony Award for Best Actress of 1980 in the Broadway play " Children of a Lessor God " . Ms . Frelich is profoundly deaf . Two of the Osmond brothers and Nanette Fabray all have hearing impairments . When Beethoven created his ninth symphony , he was profoundly deaf . Alexander ly deaf . Alexander
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Saga magazine -Keith Waterhouse -Personal Perspective -April 1998 KEITH WATERHOUSE - Personal Perspective The telephone is the most intrusive device ever invented , and frequently an impertinent one at that And here was I thinking it was only me . Yet according to what I have just read in the paper , a psychologist believes there are as many as three million of us people who have hang - ups about telephone calls , that is . I wonder where he got that figure from . Maybe he was just talking telephone numbers . But Im certainly not going to ring him up and ask him . We phonophobics , if I may coin a word , hate both receiving telephone
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